
Personal Ministries and Evangelism

Led by: Betty Deans

  "We are not just 'proclaimers' of the Truth, we strive to live the Gospel, to be like Jesus- our Great Example, to be Instruments in His hands, to be led by His precious Holy Spirit,  and to do the work He has called us to do. To know what that means, go to Matt.28:18-20 The Great Commission, John 3:16 The Gospel, and Rev.14:6-12 The Three Angels Message.  Please consider joining us at Greenwood Seventh-day Adventist Church where we are not perfect, but we do seek to follow our perfect example- the Lord Jesus Christ in loving ministry to all. 


Community Services

Led by: Judi Glendrange

Community Services seeks to follow Christ’s example seeking to meet the needs of their community.  We accomplish His mission and plan through using our spiritual gifts to help others with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  Our ministry empowers local church members to offer programs and ministry activities that provide tangible ways that help people.  Our annual Community




Health Ministries

Led by: Victoria Wickwire

The statement that “we create our own diseases” often illicit’s the response "you can’t be serious"! However, the solution to most of our health problems today is determined largely by our lifestyle choices and our physical, emotional and spiritual environment.  Health ministries creates a venue to explore God‘s design laws of health embedded in His life-giving principles that come directly from our Creators hand!



Prison Ministries

Led by: Charlie Pettit


Our mission is to share the love of Christ with incarcerated persons and their families. We aim to achieve this through following the example given us by Jesus in ministering to the needs of the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental components of a person’s being.  It is our determination to keep Christ and Him crucified as the center of all our words, actions and programs as we help to bring hope and light into some of the darkest corners of society.

Women's Ministries


The desire of Women’s Ministries is that every woman in the Church comes to recognize Jesus as her personal Savior and friend. Our goal is to know Jesus passionately and to serve and disciple women. We want to lift up Jesus Christ by enabling women to discover and realize their leadership and ministry potential—within their home, church and community.​



Men's Ministries




Men are consistently faced with questions and challenges concerning their role as husbands, fathers, and spiritual leaders at home and in present day society.  The Men’s Ministries Department has introduced various approaches to address these relevant issues and meet the needs of the men in our community. We provide programs, resources and training for men in the church and community that promote effectiveness and success. 

Church ministries are organized groups within our church that focus on areas of service, such as community outreach, youth programs, worship, education, and pastoral care, to support the spiritual growth and well-being of the congregation and the broader community